Analysis Coding
This section is currently under development. The example provided is simple and intended to test our infrastructure.
This example can be used as
, which is referenced in this documentation.
Example Analysis: Counting Patients Using a FHIR Query
This analysis example demonstrates how to count the total number of patients across multiple nodes with FHIR data, with the results being summed up for aggregation.
from import StarModel, StarAnalyzer, StarAggregator
class MyAnalyzer(StarAnalyzer):
def __init__(self, flame):
Initializes the custom Analyzer node.
:param flame: Instance of FlameCoreSDK to interact with the FLAME components.
super().__init__(flame) # Connects this analyzer to the FLAME components
def analysis_method(self, data, aggregator_results):
Performs analysis on the retrieved data from data sources.
:param data: A list of dictionaries containing the data from each data source.
- Each dictionary corresponds to a data source.
- Keys are the queries executed, and values are the results (dict for FHIR, str for S3).
:param aggregator_results: Results from the aggregator in previous iterations.
- None in the first iteration.
- Contains the result from the aggregator's aggregation_method in subsequent iterations.
:return: Any result of your analysis on one node (ex. patient count).
# TODO: Implement your analysis method
# in this example we retrieving first fhir dataset, extract patient counts,
# take total number of patients
patient_count = float(data[0]['Patient?_summary=count']['total'])
return patient_count
class MyAggregator(StarAggregator):
def __init__(self, flame):
Initializes the custom Aggregator node.
:param flame: Instance of FlameCoreSDK to interact with the FLAME components.
super().__init__(flame) # Connects this aggregator to the FLAME components
def aggregation_method(self, analysis_results):
Aggregates the results received from all analyzer nodes.
:param analysis_results: A list of analysis results from each analyzer node.
:return: The aggregated result (e.g., total patient count across all analyzers).
# TODO: Implement your aggregation method
# in this example we retrieving sum up total patient counts across all nodes
total_patient_count = sum(analysis_results)
return total_patient_count
def has_converged(self, result, last_result, num_iterations):
Determines if the aggregation process has converged.
:param result: The current aggregated result.
:param last_result: The aggregated result from the previous iteration.
:param num_iterations: The number of iterations completed so far.
:return: True if the aggregation has converged; False to continue iterations.
# TODO (optional): if the parameter 'simple_analysis' in 'StarModel' is set to False,
# this function defines the exit criteria in a multi-iterative analysis (otherwise ignored)
return True # Return True to indicate convergence in this simple analysis
def main():
Sets up and initiates the distributed analysis using the FLAME components.
- Defines the custom analyzer and aggregator classes.
- Specifies the type of data and queries to execute.
- Configures analysis parameters like iteration behavior and output format.
analyzer=MyAnalyzer, # Custom analyzer class (must inherit from StarAnalyzer)
aggregator=MyAggregator, # Custom aggregator class (must inherit from StarAggregator)
data_type='fhir', # Type of data source ('fhir' or 's3')
query='Patient?_summary=count', # Query or list of queries to retrieve data
simple_analysis=True, # True for single-iteration; False for multi-iterative analysis
output_type='str', # Output format for the final result ('str', 'bytes', or 'pickle')
analyzer_kwargs=None, # Additional keyword arguments for the custom analyzer constructor (i.e. MyAnalyzer)
aggregator_kwargs=None # Additional keyword arguments for the custom aggregator constructor (i.e. MyAggregator)
if __name__ == "__main__":
- MyAnalyzer: Processes data from the nodes, returning the patient counts.
- MyAggregator: Combines results from all nodes and sums the patient counts.
- Main Function: Instanciates the StarModel class.
This script serves as a basic "Hello World" example for performing federated analysis using FHIR data.