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Aggregation protocolAlgorithm code how final/online results are computed
AnalysisDocker containers containing algorithm, analysis logic and software dependencies
Data discoveryPre-analysis to verify biases, schemas or any other unexpected behavior by sites
Federated LearningParallel execution of analysis code at multiple sites, at the same time with a global result aggregation
FHIRFast Healthcare Interoperability Resources
FHIR CoreCommon data schema developed by MII to be fulfilled by each DIC
Final resultsResults achieved by aggregator, can be encrypted project specific
FLAMEFederated Learning and Analysis In Medicine
HubAll service components centrally hosted and operated
UIUser Interface
Paillier - keyThis is the key to a homomorphic encryption system to additionally secure the calculated data inside the analysis
ProposalA Proposal is an organizational unit in FLAME, which represents the collaboration between different participants in regard to a specific research or analysis project. It contains an initial risk assessment as well as a high level description of the requested data.
RegistryService to distribute analysis
Result inspectionBefore results are returned these should be approved by sites to not contain unauthorized information
RSA - keyThis is the key to a homomorphic encryption system to secure the analysis from external influences
NodesHospitals hosting a node to provide analysis controlled and secure access to patient data