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Analysis Review

As a node administrator, you have a crucial role in analysis: If your node was part of an approved project, the analyst who set it up can create analyses with your node. Before a valid analysis is built, it requires approval. Here, you may review the analysis code and see whether your provided node data will be used according to the study protocol. If it is, approve the analyses. If it is not, you may reject it, effectively blocking its execution on your site. If you do so, we encourage you to inform the data analyst of the reason, so they can revise it. After approval or rejection of each site, the analysis is built.

To review analysis, follow these steps:

  1. Within the home area (top left), you need to select Analyses in the left navigation, and then the Option Incoming to its right.
  2. Here, you can view all approved, rejected, as well as analyses awaiting either (Optional: Use the search bar at the top). image
  3. Review incoming analysis scripts by clicking the black download button on the right of the request.
  4. Approve incoming analyses by clicking the gray triple-bar button on the right of the anlaysis and then clicking the green approve button in the small popup.
  5. Reject incoming analysis by clicking the gray triple-bar button on the right of the analysis and then clicking the red reject button in the small popup.
  6. Refresh this list anytime by clicking the black refresh button on the top right.